Taconhy Entertainment presents Circus on Ice

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🎭✨ Experience the Magic: Ballet on Ice Meets Traditional Circus Acts! ✨🎪

Join us  for a truly enchanting and unforgettable performance that’s perfect for all ages! The Great Circus on Ice is here to whisk you away on a frozen adventure, where elegance meets excitement.

❄️ Witness breathtaking ballet on ice, combined with magnificent traditional circus acts! 🤹‍♀️🎟️

Bring the whole family and get ready to be amazed by your favorite characters, incredible circus acts, mesmerizing jugglers, daring tightrope walkers, hilarious clowns, and awe-inspiring ice skaters!

🎟️ Limited Tickets Available! Don’t miss out, secure yours now! ⏳

🧊Ice Skaters will perform on synthetic ice surfaces, guaranteeing an exceptional experience! 🥳

Mark your calendars and come create cherished memories with us! 📆✨ Grab your friends and family and join the icy spectacle that promises sheer delight and wonder!

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